acid dreams 2 sculpture page.jpg

Acid Dreams

Elizabeth Paige Smith Art Acid Dreams: Acrylic round sculptures, filled with acid colored loose powder pigment. Featuring acid yellow, orange, hot pink, red and green pigments.



…with recurring theme of containment, celebrating the idea of untamed beauty.

acid dreams i / series of 7 / acrylic encapsulating loose powder pigment / 2019

acid dreams i / acrylic encapsulating loose powder pigment / 2019

acid dreams i / acrylic encapsulating loose powder pigment / 2019


ACID DREAMS + A psychedelic landscape made up of a variety of acid colored pigments contained in acrylic forms with the recurring theme of containment, celebrating the idea of untamed beauty.

detail of acid dreams i / acrylic encapsulating loose powder pigment / 2019